Modern web design features to help you stand out from the rest

web design

The early web pages of the internet were text-based, slow to load and extremely limited in terms of design features. However, fast forward to 2022, and the web design landscape has altered beyond recognition. Now website designers have a bountiful tool kit they can unleash to ensure your website emerges from the crowd. We will explore a select few in this article.

Appealing homepage images

As mentioned above, the early form of internet web pages was abundant in text and sparse in terms of images due to the time it took to load them. Modern website designers can now use high-resolution images on homepages that provoke users into scrolling down and looking through the homepage. Short bursts of text are helpful to emphasise some of the critical messages but creating a minimal homepage that allows the images to do the talking is ideal.

Websites that feature responsive design

Before the widespread ownership of mobile phones, website designers didn’t have to occupy their minds with how to ensure websites worked on multiple platforms. Static websites were only ever meant to be viewed on a PC or laptop. However, since smartphones have emerged as a desirable and essential tech for the public, websites need to evolve. Responsive web design allows users to view websites on multiple devices, including mobile and tablets, without any problems, removing any potential glitches in how the design looks or functions for the user.

Tactically positioned calls-to-action

One of the trends in web design that has declined in recent years is the use of homepage sliders. Sliders would contain a series of images and links for people to click on, but studies found that most people only clicked on the first link and rarely scrolled through. Therefore, well-positioned, standalone calls-to-action above the fold of your homepage is a must. These are your primary calls to action that will lead to conversions or a user contacting you for your service. Secondary calls to action can be softer in tone and devised more subtly for visitors to your site who might still need to be convinced to buy.

Fearless typography

Similarly, with how the use of images has developed on web pages, typography is another excellent design feature that allows you to create a brand identity and deliver a visually appealing homepage. With typography, you should realise there are no hard and fast rules to adhere to, and you can let your creative design juices flow.

Minimal and streamlined navigation

There has been a recent trend toward minimal design for web pages in recent times, and streamlined navigation is an offshoot of this practice. Streamlining the navigation tool on your website directs users to the essential elements, which should increase the volume of macro and micro conversions and keep people browsing your site for longer. Contact Koenig Web Design today if you are looking for website designers to develop your website with some of these modern design features.